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Why Real Leaders Need An OPEN MIND?
1. Options; opportunities; organized:
Doesn't it, make sense, one will be better prepared, when/ if, as many options, and alternatives, as possible, are fully considered, without any personal prejudice, and/ or, prejudgment? Great leaders consider, and review, all opportunities, searching for, the best way, to proceed! When this is the attitude, and the individual, prepares effectively, and moves ahead, in an organized way, he becomes better - fit, to be a meaningful leader!
2. Priorities; perceptions; planning:
It's important for a leader, to review what he considers, as a priority, to ensure his perceptions, align with his stakeholders, and they share similar priorities. This is a key, to moving forward, with the finest, possible, strategic, and action planning!
3. Empathy; emphasis, efforts; excellence:
One must listen, far more than he speaks, and strive to do so, effectively, and proceed, with genuine empathy! This must direct his emphasis, and his efforts, must focus on providing his utmost degree of personal excellence, instead of settling for, good - enough!
4. Needs:
Only, when one proceeds with a true, open - mind, will he align his efforts, with the needs of his group, and stakeholders!
5. Motivation; make mark; meaningful:
Before one tries, to be, a leader, he must identify his personal motivation, and prioritize, making his mark, for the better, in a meaningful, relevant manner!
6. Ideals; integrity; ideas; imagination, innovation, improvements:
Shouldn't a leader, attempt to make quality changes, which might make improvements, in his group, in order to make it stronger, more relevant, and sustainable? One must proceed, with the imagination, and willingness, to innovate, to bring forth, quality ideas, which align with the ideals, and ideology, of the specific group!
7. Nerves:
It takes a positive attitude, and high degree of self - worth, to proceed, with the consistent, amount of nerves, to make decisions, on a well - considered, timely basis, even when they may not be so popular!
8. Delve deeply; discover; deliver:
It's important to consistently, delve deeply, in order to discover, what the best course of action, might be, to deliver, in the best possible way!
Are you ready, willing, and able, to consistently, proceed, with, an OPEN MIND, in order to identify, the best path, to follow? Are you prepared, and capable, of being, a truly, effective leader?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website
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